A Holy Week Reflection

Can you believe it’s Holy Week already?

Very soon, we will be celebrating our risen Lord, but first we must meditate and reflect on His Passion and death. 

In a lot of ways, our Lord’s Passion reminds us of what we as Christians face in today’s day and age. While we may not be put to death for our beliefs, we may lose our voice in the public square or face the dreaded “cancel culture”—all for standing up for our faith. 

This can happen not just for standing up for our faith. Standing up for our preborn brothers and sisters can also subject us to violence and hatred. 

As we contemplate this, let us all use this Holy Week to reflect on our Lord’s faith, strength, and humility in the face of persecution. Our path is not an easy one, but our Lord will always give us the strength and courage to face whatever obstacles lie in our way.

Leading with the light of Christ and with love is the way, my friends. Let us ask our Blessed Mother to pray for us and to give us the grace to lead with love. 

Yours in the Lord Who IS Life,

Katie Brown
Director, Marian Blue Wave

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