An Easter Week Challenge

He is risen! Hallelujah!

I hope you all had a wonderful and blessed Easter with your families and loved ones. It’s hard to believe that, just a year ago, we were all unable to attend Mass on Easter due to COVID-19 lockdowns. It wasn’t until the ability to attend Mass was taken away that I personally realized how much I take for granted being able to freely attend weekly Mass and receive the Eucharist.

Now that lockdowns are starting to ease up, and most states are allowing Church gatherings, let’s not take for granted our ability to receive the Eucharist and attend Mass. What can sometimes feel like a very routine thing is such a blessing and is one of the best parts of our faith.

Attending Mass is actively participating in the sacrifice of our Lord in the Eucharist (also known as Communion). And when we participate in the Mass and receive Communion, we can offer up our Mass and our Communion for certain intentions or the intentions of others. How amazing is that?

So I have a challenge for you this week as we celebrate Easter. Offer up your next Mass and Communion for a friend or family member in need. It can be something big or something small. Either way, it is an act of love for the people in your life.

And always remember, I’m praying for each of you and your intentions every day!  

Yours in the Lord Who IS Life,  

Katie Brown
Director, Marian Blue Wave

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